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Friday, February 8, 2019

Integration between Angular-6(Angular-2.x) and WebSphere portal

Hi everyone,

I tried integration between angular-6 and WebSphere portal.
It works but with some problems, I did NOT recommend to integrate angular-6 with WebSphere portal due following :

1- You need to create separate portlet for each portal page,
suppose you created angular-portlet-1, and you need to add on multiple portal pages then you need to set specific portal page (hard-coded) inside tag <base> tag on portlet.

So you can’t use this portlet with different pages,you need to duplicate your angular portlet code if you want to add on multiple portal pages through set pages paths inside <base> tag.

2- WebSphere portal URL parameters will truncated which kept WebSphere portal behaviors, from my opinion i think this is fetal error, because WebSphere portal keeping its behavior on this encrypted parameters. (i.e. IPC, Portlet mode, ..etc)

3- You can’t create portal page for specific component inside portlet, you need to switch through components using links inside page or directly from URL address bar. Because portal theme iterate on portal pages only, its can’t iterate though angular component unless your hard-coded components URIs.

4- You can’t add two angular portlets in same page, you will get ‘Error: Zone already loaded’.

5- Now WebSphere portal act as Tomcat !!!
Yes if you going to use WPS to host angular portlets so why you need to purchase licence ?
Even you have content, you can use free-tools, or use WCM engine only and integrate though WCM rest services.

Angular 2.x issues:

6- For important application, i think its not recommend to build your business logic using Typescript, because all those scripts will transfer to client browser, then he can reverse engineering, also JavaScript its not reliable language to build important business such banking or government.

7- If you need to leverage your application and enhance performance, you need to utilize your application technology.
I think Angular-JS it very good option to use as front-end for your portlet because its working under portal umbrella not working as SPA.

8- Angular-2 export application in just four JS files, so in huge application these files sizes will be more than 10 MB, and maybe cause some issues with browsers. (I am not sure about this issue can cause an issue with browser or no)

Summary, I think selecting angular option based on your system, if you need to develop simple system you can use scrip-portlet with one component (no router-outlet), but if you have big system go with spring-portlets with Angular-JS asfront-end, then you can use Java and WPS power and benefits with fast performance from angular.


Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Comparison between IBM Portal 6, 7 and 8

Customization via themes and skins / Dojo
Theme Consolidation
Module Theme Framework
Responsive design
Default theme profiles
WCM Features
IBM Content, Collaboration, and Enterprise Suite Accelerators are integrated
Support the IBM Smart Business Cloud.
Inline Editing of Web Content

Site management
Site Management with better staging


Streamlined site development out of the box
Remote search

Companion development tools to streamline portal and portlet development
Portal Farming
BPM  Support
Support of WebSphere Process Server Version 6.0.2
Supports WebSphere Application Server V8.
Sun Java Directory Server

New distributed portal server capabilities
Fewer servers to manage


Attribute-base administration enhancements
Portlet load monitoring

Site navigation
Tagging and rating but not just of content but also pages and portlets with filter capability, The “tag center” lets you search tags.

Web Content Manager Multilingual Solution
IBM® Web Content Manager

Templates and workflow for composite applications
Social Media Publisher

Policies for managing portal resources
Online help

New pages for an updated look
Managed Pages

Managing the theme module framework

Identical portals can be set up in multiple sites
Content Targeting and application objects or Segmentation

Business Component APIs have been added

Simplified Portlet Development

Web Site Analytics
JSF Support

JCR Performance is improved

Web Experience Factory (WEF)
Web Application Bridge

WCM Admin and Analytics includes logging for WCM content.

The base WCM system is now included in all versions of WebSphere Portal with a core enhancements

List presentation of Web Content

Support autoscale and autoloadbalancer on Amazon.

Integration with MediaBeacon

JCR Database

JSR 286 rendering support
Social rendering
Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) portlet

ECM integration via doc picker


Better development toolkits with RAD


Mobile Device Themes

Mobile updates

Mobile and multichannel delivery

WCM Mobile


Community Pages


SharePoint integration

SAP Integration


Process Integration


A/B testing 

Digital Data Connector

Vanity URLs

Mashup Integration