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Monday, May 23, 2016

How to create IBM Portal 8.5 Bread-Crumb?
  1. Create JSP pages to generate Portal Pages Bread-Crumb.
  2.  This JSP will iterate over all portal pages.
  3.  Bread-Crumb.jsp : 
 <%@ page session="false" buffer="none" %>   
 <%@ page trimDirectiveWhitespaces="true" %>  
 <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>  
 <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fn" %>  
 <%@ include file="../includePortalTaglibs.jspf" %>  
 <c:if test="${fn:length(wp.selectionModel.selectionPath) > (param.startLevel+1)}">  
 <div class="${param.rootClass} wpthemeLeft">  
  <c:forEach var="node" items="${wp.selectionModel.selectionPath}" varStatus="status" begin="${param.startLevel}" step="1">  
  <c:set var="nodeID" value="${wp.identification[node]}"/>  
  <c:set var="separator" value="&gt;" />  
  <c:if test="${!node.metadata['']}">  
   <c:if test="${status.count > 1}">  
   <span class="wpthemeCrumbTrailSeparator">${separator}</span>  
   <c:when test="${wp.identification[wp.selectionModel.selected] == nodeID}">  
    <strong><span class="wpthemeSelected" lang="${node.title.xmlLocale}" dir="${node.title.direction}"><c:out value="${node.title}"/></span></strong>  
   <c:when test="${node.contentNode.contentNodeType == 'LABEL'}">  
    <span lang="${node.title.xmlLocale}" dir="${node.title.direction}"><c:out value="${node.title}"/></span>  
    <a href="?uri=nm:oid:${nodeID}"><span lang="${node.title.xmlLocale}" dir="${node.title.direction}"><c:out value="${node.title}"/></span></a>  

Monday, May 9, 2016

How we send parameters using Menu components in IBM Lotus WCM 8.5?

We can set different parameters in for all selected and included categories
Example: if we have to show content according to two categories and show only that content which contains both the categories. We have to tick 3 
checkboxes from top "Result must match all categories"
It will fetch the content which have both categories saransh and saransh1 under SiteArea inside library.
If a category is under different library than WCM URL will be:-