1] Page Properties portlet
- Open the Actions menu.
- Select Page Properties.
- Expand the Advanced Options section.
- Select the option I want to set parameters.
- Create parameter with the name resourceaggregation.profile and value that points to the profile override on the page.
- Add the new parameter.
- Select OK to exit the parameters screen.
- Select OK to save the Page Properties.
For Example: profiles/profile_full.json.
2] WebDAV
- Connect to WebDAV for the page where you want to set the profile override.
- Download the metadata.properties file that displays for the page to your local system.
- Open the metadata.properties file on your local system.
- Set a parameter with the name resourceaggregation.profile and a value pointing to the location of the profile.
- Save the file.
- Upload the file back to WebDAV.
For Example:
3] XMLAccess
- Export the page you want to set the profile override on, you can use the command line or the Manage Pages portlet.
- Open the XML export of the page and find the definition for the page.
- Set a metadata parameter on the page with the name resourceaggregation.profile and a value pointing to the profile.
- Import the XML file using the command line or use the XML Import portlet.
For Example:
<content-node action="update" active="true" allportletsallowed="true" content-parentref=" Z6_M0000000000000000000000001" create-type="explicit" domain="rel" objectid=" Z6_M0000000000000000000000002" ordinal="700" themeref="ZJ_MLSU3F5400G000IPJM60CT3GN6" type="staticpage">
For Example:
<content-node action="update" active="true" allportletsallowed="true" content-parentref=" Z6_M0000000000000000000000001" create-type="explicit" domain="rel" objectid=" Z6_M0000000000000000000000002" ordinal="700" themeref="ZJ_MLSU3F5400G000IPJM60CT3GN6" type="staticpage">
<parameter name="resourceaggregation.profile" type="string" update="set">profiles/profile_full.json</parameter>