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Monday, October 17, 2016

How to set a profile override on a page in IBM Portal 8/8.5 ?

 1] Page Properties portlet

  1. Open the Actions menu.
  2. Select Page Properties.
  3. Expand the Advanced Options section.
  4. Select the option I want to set parameters.
  5. Create parameter with the name resourceaggregation.profile and value that points to the profile override on the page.
  6. For Example: profiles/profile_full.json.
  7. Add the new parameter.
  8. Select OK to exit the parameters screen.
  9. Select OK to save the Page Properties.

2] WebDAV

  1. Connect to WebDAV for the page where you want to set the profile override.
  2. Download the file that displays for the page to your local system.
  3. Open the file on your local system.
  4. Set a parameter with the name resourceaggregation.profile and a value pointing to the location of the profile.
  5. For Example:

  6. Save the file.
  7. Upload the file back to WebDAV.

3] XMLAccess

  1. Export the page you want to set the profile override on, you can use the command line or the Manage Pages portlet.
  2. Open the XML export of the page and find the definition for the page.
  3. For Example:

    <content-node action="update" active="true" allportletsallowed="true" content-parentref=" Z6_M0000000000000000000000001" create-type="explicit" domain="rel" objectid=" Z6_M0000000000000000000000002" ordinal="700" themeref="ZJ_MLSU3F5400G000IPJM60CT3GN6" type="staticpage">
  4. Set a metadata parameter on the page with the name resourceaggregation.profile and a value pointing to the profile.
  5. For Example:

    <content-node action="update" active="true" allportletsallowed="true" content-parentref=" Z6_M0000000000000000000000001" create-type="explicit" domain="rel" objectid=" Z6_M0000000000000000000000002" ordinal="700" themeref="ZJ_MLSU3F5400G000IPJM60CT3GN6" type="staticpage">
       <parameter name="resourceaggregation.profile" type="string" update="set">profiles/profile_full.json</parameter>
  6. Import the XML file using the command line or use the XML Import portlet.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

What are IBM Lotus WCM 8.5 workflows?

Workflows can control the access to, the verification and the eventual approval of:
         a. Content (enabled by default)
         b. Design items
 IBM Web Content Manager allows the building of any serial workflow with an unlimited set of stages.
Each content or design item:
        a. Can have its own workflow.
        b. Has its own access control, which the workflow partly manages.
        c.  Becomes available on your website when it is approved at all stages.

What is IBM WebSphere Server Cell ?

• A cell is a logical grouping of WebSphere Application Server
instances into a single management entity.

- A cell consists of the following items:
1– Deployment manager
• A WebSphere Application Server instance is responsible for the
administrative functions of the cell.
• Only one deployment manager is in a cell.
2– Node
• A WebSphere Application Server is responsible for synchronizing server
configurations with the deployment manager.
3– Application server
• The application server performs the actual work that is associated with
the business purposes of the cell.